Are you pursuing your passion or just getting by? 

Are you profiting in your purpose and being purposeful in your pursuit?  

If not, we can help you identify “Strategies 2 Your Success”

Call our offices today or sign up  for a 30-minute complimentary consultation .

1. Individual Coaching

2. Small Business Start Up/Expansion

3. Corporate Training and Workshops

Three Packages:

Private Coaching – these calls are designed for individuals who have had an opportunity to speak with Pamala via a complimentary consult and have a solid foundation on their next steps.  This coaching call would be to strategize on next steps, create a timeline and prepare a person to start/expand/reposition their business.

Thirty-Day Challenge to Change – This challenge is a rigorous and extensive program delivered over a short period of time.  In just 30 days, and in 4 sessions, Pamala will coach an individual to success from start to finish.  From soup to nuts, this call is for the person ready to step out and successfully take hold of their vision.

Custom Packaging – These packages are designed for businesses and individuals whose schedules don’t necessarily fit the normal 9-5 timeframe.   Sessions are conducted in a variety of ways to include: face-to-face, Skype, webinar, teleconference.


All packages include a free MP3 record of each session, which allows participants to review and reflect on the material covered.
