Hey There,
I wanted to send you a quick note on a word that God dropped in my spirit that was a message intended not only for me, but also for the masses.
The Word is Don’t Quit.
Here’s why. I just concluded a call with my professor from post-grad school. For those of you who don’t know, I am working on my Doctorate in Public Administration. This fall, I will enter the final stage in this process, which requires the writing and publishing of my dissertation. (Hear Me Out – There is a Point).. This past 10 weeks have been the most grueling, challenging and laborious 10 weeks I’ve ever experienced in academia with requirements of research papers every 2 weeks on scientific methodologies and action research. I spent many nights in tears asking myself – is it really worth it? I questioned if I had even acquired the skills needed to stand before a committee and defend my research. I questioned it ALL…. I’m sure my husband and kids thought that I had lost my mind. And sometimes I even felt that if I hadn’t lost my mind, I was sure on my way to losing it… But wait…
I received a phone call today from my professor. On the other end of the line, I hear “job well done.”
What a great feeling to speak with your professor in one of the most challenging seasons I had ever had academically, and hear him say “job well done.” He went on the say that he could definitely see a vast difference in my scholarly writing style since the beginning of class and that I had used thoughtful consideration and applied critical thinking skills in my research. This last 10 weeks has been quite the experience, but one that I wouldn’t change for the world. I was acquiring a skill for FUTURE USE.
What does this mean to you? I believe that God has allowed you to open this up, read it to this very point to know that this applies to you as well. Don’t Quit. What is it that you are working to accomplish? Are you confronted with issues in your marriage, singleness, family, school, business or work? The very challenges that come to break you will MAKE YOU when you Don’t Quit. You are being stretched for your ASSIGNMENT..
Trust God in the process. Don’t get weary in the battle saints, for you shall reap if you faint not. Lean not to your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways and He shall direct your path. The very challenge sent to make you weary is actually strengthening your faith, allowing you to trust more, and press in to Him. Don’t Quit
Anything worth having will take your blood, sweat, and tears. I know, because in this moment of transparency, I can humbly say that I almost gave up. But my inner man wouldn’t let me quit.
I leave you with this – whatever you have in front of you – though it may challenge you – Don’t take short cuts! Follow through in your marriage, family, ministry, business, health and education and any other area that you have confronting you now. In this journey, I believe that He’ll send messengers – just as He sent my professor & just and He sent me to you to say “Job Well Done”… Don’t Quit – Keep going.
BIRMINGHAM, AL and surrounding areas – Join me for the “Strategies 2 Success – Positioned to Prosper” Conference on July 20, 2013 at The Harbert Center. Are you “Positioned to Prosper” in your marriage, your family, your singleness or even stuck with your exercise regimen? Need a second wind and a few strategies to help you run this race? Registration is only $25 with brunch and goodies included. REGISTER TODAY at: www.strategies2success.info
May God Bless You and Keep You.
Much Success – Pamala Hutcherson
The Marketplace Coach