Transition – Grace – Favor – 2015


Transition – Grace – Favor

Happy New Year Folks… YES – I know we’re well into January and I’m just finding the time to reach out and wish you a Happy New Year. But, there have been sooo many wonderful, awesome and magnificent things going on that I wanted to wait and reach out once all the happenings began to settle.

As we continue on into this New Year, there are 3 distinct words that I hear the Lord saying. (1) Transition (2) Grace (3) Favor.

Here’s the deal.

Transition – Many of you are in a period of transition. Transition will have a similar meaning for some and a totally different meaning for others. Transition of location, jobs, education, friendships, networks, duties, roles, and responsibilities. I see a great shift that is upon the body of Christ as God is setting pace and order in the Kingdom for His mandate, precepts and agenda to be carried out. For some, this transition will appear unsettling because while you can sense that this is God’s doing, it’s a place of unbalance as you continue trying to gain greater understanding from the place of your flesh. As you dig deeper into the spirit, you’ll begin to see God’s plans and purposes unfold. God says, seek my face, have faith that this is by My will and you shall see the outworking and its purpose in days to come. Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Grace – God says there is great grace upon you in this season to operate at full capacity. To whom much is given that much more and then some is required. God says for many of you more is required. You will orchestrate from many realms and from several spheres says God and even as you orchestrate from these places, know that My Hand is upon you and I have granted the Grace (flexibility, time, strength. & fortitude) to complete all.

Favor – God says promotion does not come from the East or the West but from above. In this season you will see doors open that are impossible unto man. Know that these are My doors and you shall surely walk through in this season. As you enter the door know that you are required to reach back and strengthen your brother. This door will allow you to dominate and orchestrate from your mountain of influence and even as you do so, know that the door is not solely for you, but for the many that will come to be saved and learn more of me. Strengthen, aide, and assist your brother says God. Philippians 2:4 (ESV) Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

In closing, I’m excited about what God is doing. I literally just finished my dissertation and have been given the nod to defend it within the next few weeks. It’s Already Done.. My God is awesome – more on that later.

You’ll hear more from me in the coming months, as we are full speed ahead preparing for our “Strategies 2 Success” tour this year in Chicago and Birmingham.

Love You to Life.

“If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe.”- Mark 9:23

I’m Excited For Your Change,
Dr. Pam