Free From Self-Sabotage

Free From Self-Sabotage

We all want to know God’s plans for our lives but many times we are unsure of how to find them.  The Bible depicts many who were called but the call wasn’t during a time of laughter and partying, but a time of challenge.

When we speak of calling – I’m not necessarily talking about a call to Preach or a call to Serve in Ministry.  However, on some level we are all called to minister – one to another (1Peter 4:10) spreading God’s word.  I’m specifically talking about the gifting or talent that the Lord has graciously extended to you to effect the Kingdom.  It’s not that you are not capable of accomplishing what you set out to do, it’s not even the naysayers or those that don’t have the will  “ to at least get out of the boat”, but its your own disbelief and fear in accomplishing that which you have been purposed to do.

Gideon (Judges 6-8) had limited vision but he was COMMITTED to see it through.  Gideon was challenged to get food for his family EVEN though the hostile invaders were making that impossible.  Gideon, through his resources, put a winepress to double duty by turning it into a sunken threshing floor.  Gideon was working in his threshing floor when God sent him a messenger with a challenge.

Surprised that God told him that he had the strength to save Israel from the hand of the Midians, Gideon pulled back at the task – not wanting to step out ill-prepared.  (God takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise).  The Angel of the Lord convinced Gideon that he was well able, and though he had weak moments, he was still God’s servant.

(1)  TRUST Gods guidance

(2)  Will to do it – Stay Committed to your task

(3)  Tap into your RESOURCES

(4) Ward off all negativity

You become what you hang around.  Who’s speaking into your life and what does their life look like.  Naysayers have been assigned to speak against your purpose.  They can’t accomplish their tasks so they speak against yours.  Not because you can’t accomplish it, but because the enemy knows that you can and if/when you do, you are now a direct threat to his plans.

Ex 4:11-12 Then the Lord said to him, Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.

The Very Thing That You are Fearful of doing in Your Own Strength May Be the VERY Thing God has Called You to DO in HIS STRENGTH.

Diligent In The Way,