Even Me Lord – Even Now!!!

PamalaHuterson_FB_TimelineImage_1-11Hello Out There.  I hope all is well with you.  Its been a busy month, and I’m heading over to Florida to the “Tried Through the Fire – Prophetic Convocation” where I am one of the candidates that will ordained as a Prophet by the Presbytery and lead Prophetess and Founder of The Global Institute of Church and Marketplace Prophets, Prophetess Dwann Rollinson.  I’m extremely humbled, excited and in amazement that God would see fit to use me for His Glory.  So pray for us all as we travel to Jacksonville, FL for a weekend of High Praise.

Before I head out, I wanted to get this in your hands.  God has really been dealing with me on finances, order and the Kingdom.  With that being said, I invited Minister Sonya Thompson from Florida, an awesome woman of God and Marketplace Minister to give us some insight on “Strategies 2 Success” in our finances.  How can we get it right and what can we do to hit the “reset” button in our finances.  For some it will be easier than others but I guarantee you – she has keen insight on this subject matter and has a checkbook to show it (smile).  Let us hear what God would speak through His vessel.

Even Me Lord – Even Now!!! – Minister Sonya Thompson

Did you know that regardless of your current financial situation it’s still possible to begin again? It doesn’t matter how impossible your situation may look, I can promise you based on the integrity of the Word of God, that “even now,” you can expect and experience a financial resurrection in 2014.

In John 11, we see the account of the death of Lazarus. When Jesus comes to the region of Bethany, Martha runs out to greet Him and she said unto Jesus in verses twenty-one and twenty-two, “… if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. 22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.” When Jesus saw her faith He told her that her brother would rise again. Though she did not understand it right away by the time Jesus was done speaking to her, Martha understood He meant her brother would experience the resurrection, right now!

I want to encourage you to expect a “right now” financial resurrection for 2014. Say this with me, “even now.” Declare this daily no matter what you see, “even now.” Here are five financial principles to put in place if you desire to experience a financial resurrection in 2014.

1Commit Yourself to the Kingdom Economy-
Make a decision to focus on the Kingdom economy-(God’s way of being a doing right) in 2014. Get your eyes off of the world’s economy. Tithing and giving is the foundation of the Kingdom economy.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

2. Make Every Effort to Become Totally Debt Free-
Seek the Holy Spirit for a plan to take you out of the world’s system of debt.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law (Romans 13:8).

3. Be a Good Steward Over What God Gives You-
Make a decision to manage your finances. Know what is coming in and what is going out. Write out your financial plan.

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2).

4. Understand the Value of Money-
Money has a greater use than just as a means to provide for our families. Money is a tool, a weapon, and an answer for all things, when it is used appropriately.

For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence.. (Ecclesiastes 7:12).

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things (Ecclesiastes 10:19).

5. Save Ten Percent of Everything You Earn-
If this is not attainable right now, then save SOMETHING! Even if it’s $5 per week, make a commitment to start saving. You trade forty plus hours every week for money, so you deserve to be paid too.

May the blessing of the Lord flood your finances in 2014!

Minister Sonya L Thompson
Life In The Word Ministries

I thank God for that awesome insight that Minister Sonya rendered.  She is indeed a blessing.  Again, we are all at different places, so to some it’s revisiting what you know and for others, its new instruction to implement.  Until next time – Enjoy The Journey.  God has given to each man a measure of Faith, He has given to each a gift and a talent.  Enjoy the journey knowing that you are on the path to fulfill that which you are called to do.  Whether its opening a business, going back to school, starting a new project, starting a new family, etc.  God has given you the power and the ability to make it come true.  Step out and trust God.  Take small, tangiable steps to making your dream a reality.  Fulfilling your dream is not a chore, but a journey to be enjoyed only by you and looked at as an adventure of learning and charting a new path.  Enjoy The Journey.

“If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe.”- Mark 9:23

I’m Excited For Your Change,
The Marketplace Coach