Who’s Job is it “Anyway”

Who’s Job is it “Anyway”

People who genuinely serve, simply have a heart to “serve”.  When it’s from the true heart of God, there are no motives, there aren’t any returns required and there isn’t an hidden agenda.  They simply enjoy “serving”.  And while there are no motives in their service, the return is oftentimes greater than the output.

When it comes to our brothers and sisters the goal should be to lift another up, to push to the next level and to see success in the eyes of others.

The questions for today are these:  Are you your brothers keepers simply because you enjoy seeing the success of others?  Do you serve simply because you obtain fulfillment from aiding in the lifting up of another? What is your agenda?

The other side of this seasons open door has more people in front of it than where you currently are.  There are more too help, more too love, more too seek to better understand.  There is more required of you – therefore as you advance to more – know that there is greater on the other side.  Luke 12:28 To whom much is given, much is required.

Diligent In The Way!