Change Begins With YOU

Proverbs 23:7 As a Man Thinketh in His Heart – So Is He.

A simple question for you today is:  What are you thinking?

“Thoughts” are a frame and pattern for our lives.

Job 3:25 says “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. “(KJV)

Are your thoughts always negative thoughts, are they woe as me thoughts or do your thoughts provide you with the fuel and momentum to “CHANGE”?  When you change, your surroundings change.  True change must take place inside before it can be reflected outside.  All other change is a false image that ultimately returns to “True Self”.  Water and Oil cannot flow out of the same cistern.

None are perfect and we could all benefit from change in some facet.  Whether it be in your marriage, with your children, on your job in your finances, change begins with you.  How you see yourself begins with you.  While it may have been patterned from what you saw as a child, you have the right and will to CHANGE.  You are exactly who you think you are.

“Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1)     Renew Your Mind

The bible tells us to “Renew our mind” This renewing has to be done on a daily basis.  Why, the first part of this scripture tells us to “Be not conformed to this world”.  The world is a corrupt place.  We are in this world but not OF this world.  So much happens around us that we are to RENEW our mind, be Christ Centered and continue to fulfill our walk in this life.

(2)     Change Your Surroundings.

Choose your friends wisely.  You are who you hang around.  Have a mentor.  You may have more than one mentor for a different area of your life.

(3)     See Yourself Happy.

Take the necessary steps to cultivate a positive belief system even in a negative world.  Invest in building you.

Your environment is your looking glass – You See what you Said.

Diligent In The Way,